Control Over Windows OS Configurations

With OneSite Health you can scan, fix, and secure your Windows OS through automation

OneSite Health not only identifies non-compliant Windows configurations, it also automatically remediates them before they become major complications whether endpoints are on premises or remote. If endpoints have older software or have not been dormant, OneSite Health automatically runs checks and corrects compliance errors. Full histories and reports are available immediately for administrators to have visibility over operating system compliance.


OneSite Health Resources

Fortune500-caseStudy-report-01Fortune 500 Retailer
Saves $1M+

See how this retailer used OneSite Health to identify and remediate thousands of vulnerabilities.

Retailer-infographic-02By the Numbers: Large Retailer Saves $1M

OneSite Health reveals and remediates extensive failures for this large retailer.

EP-sec-report-cv-03The 2022 Endpoint
Security Report

Hear how 345 cybersecurity professionals are dealing with endpoint security.

ponemon-report-cv-04Managing Risks and Costs
at the Edge Report

New research from 600 IT professionals shows 50% of endpoints are at risk.